Making progress

Working on this project is fun.  I spend most of my time developing the idea further, gaining insight into the region, learning more about green energy, searching for ways to finance the project, creating what I view as fascinating investment opportunities, watching science programs, etc etc etc… I may not post much, but I am definitely still here.  I call it keeping a low profile. 


…funded primarily by private financing to date.  No outside financial support has been sought.  Plan in motion.   
Investing time in fund raising strategy since day one. 
Start Up program would consist of me developing a water delivery system (via green vehicle such as hydrogen power water truck w/an additional transport supplement given in the form of a train, which will also be the principal method of transport of said "water". This delivery segment will consist of; our use of, a 33,000 liquid gallon or greater train car.  We have a target rate of 100 train car loads per day With additional leverage added for you to use in your favor, a choice of either one specific destination or the many destinations needed to fulfill this entire order.  Local pickups and deliveries will consist in multitude going in seperate directions besides pick up and drop off.  Import export use on high here…).  Primary interest or "goal" of this "water" delivery plan would consist of transport of water "now within the confines of the Salton Sea, (from shore to shore; further designated as all water now and "prior to" the introduction of "drop number one" from this project being somewhat describes in this journal entry.).  One numbered example is: if there are 2 billion gallons of water on day one of delivery of "drop" number one, then 2 billion gallons of water are going to be delivered "automatically" by this so called "water distribution company", (currently in development) as segment one of a "detailed" multi-segmented "overall" operations plan.  Almost immediately; Segment two will consist of the delivery of blend resulting from the introduction of fresh, cleaner, more suitable water, for the reason of caring what happens next, however non specific nor selfish it may seem to be.  I’ve been dreaming of a watery environment since I was twelve years old.  An amazing revelation to say the least.  How was it that I should catch a glimpse of the Salton Sea.  Looking back, it has had instant potential written all over it since day one.  Including the location, making it an obvious choice.  Clean Up crew in effect.  to that specific natural location.  Wanna Date Salton Sea…This idea is pretty awesome, because it will be such an educational experience as well as a fun one!   …light pollution…"who said that…!"; Oh no…development.  We don’t want to lose our identities, our homes, our peace and quiet.  You can’t buy me off either so don’t ask…a million a piece…wait government so that’s got to have permits, plus buying without telling is somewhat frowned upon…what’s that called…darn it if they just weren’t talking about that in Syracuse, new york.  Fourth largest mall in the USA…go figure…Multi billion dollar project.  this one tops seven hundred (700) billion dollars easy…(all is not lost; my simple yet dated breakdown is: 300 developments each approximately 2 billion USD each…just an example.)  Approximately 350 square miles in surface area…One project per square mile {on grid only}.
Sonny Bono National Wildlife Preserve on location, Native American Reservation on the sea bed…This water shall be delivered.  We respect your environment and are concerned about the future.  Water Exchange availability permanently available regardless of end result.  Eminent domain…that’s the word. 
Furthermore, I propose a constant flow of transport in either directions for approximately 30 years (more or less; "until such a point in time it is known to be consisting of premium grade "Salt Water" filling the Salton Sea in it’s entirety, (from shore to shore).  A water transfusion if you will.e) the Salton sea away from it’s current location to a well suited destination for clean up and use for government agency.  Fee collected would pay for entire transport mechanism a-z. Located in California the Salton Sea lies within the boundaries of the Salton Sea National Recreation Area.  from this point prior to the introduction of about to be mentioned import fresh clean salt water, fresh water plus mixture of : fresh water, treated water, and salt water to be delivered by this forming entity, ( for this entity with this entity in mind within all possible terms) from locations unknown and (otherwise unknown specific location’s) directly from the pacific ocean.  The Salton Sea is a National Recreation Area.  Popular in the nineteen-fifty’s this site is already framed out to handle visitors.  Native American, National… Treasure, Accidental, Pre-historic wonder, both to be and as was always; either growing and moving or learning and advancing, adapting to this somewhat hazardous environment could only help us as we also adapt to the hostilities of outer-space.  Visit our extreme scuba inspired Salt Water Aquatic and Space Bio-sphere experience!  …earn your space traveling stripes here…Get ready to participate in the greatest travel experience on the horizon…commercial space travel.  An amazingly outstanding experience that your going to want to be a part of!  Win a "once in a life time trip into space"!  (amongst other things.)  Hunt for sunken treasure and win the gear to need to participate in the fantastic world of scuba and…(to be announced if anything becomes available).  Living on the forefront of a new travel destination has it’s perks.  Who’s ready…?  We’re ready…now!  Certified Scuba lessons as low as five US dollars, (in some cases, available in "your area").  Water safety is no Joke!  Please second guess your choice to learn from an untrained friend or professional scuba enthusiast…too many people drown from failure to properly understand the safe use of their equipment. If one person drowns, too many people have suffered from improperly learning this fun and serious sport.
…Please don’t risk it…this low introductory rate to the world of scuba is designed for you…please come see me; tell them I sent you if you have too!  God Bless to all who have suffered and to your loved ones, I know you’re out there!

Marc Webster

The Road to Reality…a short yet extravagant look beyond the first page.

 Is this idea of a space tourism mecca really on the road to reality…?  Can this so called mecca actually be your first step to a wide open brand new travel reality..?  Can you ask yourself a question like that..?  Where does one begin…?  City, State, Federal, Environmental, Practical, committee, local agencies, neighboring communities, banks, residents, publication, countries, citizens, legal, nature, preservation, advancement, dream, funded primarily

top 20 dive sites

Space tourism link found 12/01/07
I am also proposing to include the construction of up to 3 telescopes, each of which will be equipped with stadium style seating.  Open nightly to the general public.
Sign up for Space Adventures tours… This company inadverntantly inspired me to start the whole Salton Sea program I’m working on today…It was the simple fact that they existed that inspired me to plan a trip to ride aboard the ISS.  While doing the research and reading about the qualifications to travel, I was struck by the idea of creating a dive park dedicated to space tourism.  Including the underwater aquatioc zoo was a natural bi-product.  
you can find their link on the list of companies I had contacted about this idea.  Honestly, no reply has ever been necessary.  Sharing this idea was all I needed to do to get started on the project.  Here it is again:

Transporting the water to the Salton Sea; the truck purchase order

Transporting the water to the Salton Sea.

Truck purchase order: up to 75 new water trucks

Employee v. independant contractor:

Truck Requirements: bio-fuel powered

Licsensed Certified Driver must pay $90 for use of vehicle for each 2 calender day(s) of use. Water shipment pays x amount of $’s minus truck rental fee ($90 @ 2 days) equals driver pay per truckload, per day, per week, per month, etc…

Drivers are classified as self employed and will receive a 1099 at tax time.

fuel provided @ wholesale prices.

30 year plan.

renew talks with real-property agent, inquire and reaffirm interest in bombay beach property. Ultimately find a parcel properly zoned for the specific task that will be taking place, "water drop-point". Area must be able to accomodate both water trucks and railway cars. Steel frame building, simple format. All cars, trucks, railway cars, and personell are asked to enter and exit the facility SAFELY AND QUIETLY PLEASE. Once each cargo vehicle arrives they will go directly to each of their designated areas respectively, all of which shall be clearly signed and labeled. Accurate records will be kept, each arrival and departure will be logged, the amount of water brought in, mileage, fuel consumption, name of driver, vehicle maintenance, etc…